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Our Manifesto: 10 fundamental principles

Our Manifesto. 10 fundamental principles to our outlook, philosophy and discussion.

1) There is no “Us against Them” because there is no “Them”. There is only Us. We are all in this together.

2) Corporations aren’t “Them,” but nor should they be “Us.” Worldwide, corporations have more freedom and liberties than you or I. This dangerous precedent externalizes risks and hoards rewards. This must change, driven by new priorities.

3) The past contains lessons and lies, reminding us of how far we’ve come with what we’ve had. We are interested in the present, and how we will use it to create our future. The next phase of humanity begins with what we have now.

4) We have one planet, thus we are all a family with a collective present and a connected future.

5) Borders, customs, organized religion, the economy, consumerism and our history are all human inventions. There is no need but habit for any to continue unchanged. Their futures are ours to decide. Anything is possible when the right people support the right ideas. Everything is impossible until it is done.

6) Our mind is our own creation. What we do with it is a matter of choice; what we could do with it is a matter of faith.

7) Faith is a personal choice and should not be imposed upon others.

8) Our bodies are our own to do with as we please, provided those pleasures do not adversely affect others without their consent.

9) All creatures of this planet have an inherent right to their species’ survival, and as such, to clean air, sufficient food, fresh water and a healthy environment.

10) Science is our most powerful and potentially destructive creation. It is our global responsibility to wield it only when there are agreed upon moral and ethical standards from which to risk our work. These standards must be based on today, not yesterday, and should prioritize our planet’s continued, communal future.