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3 Reasons Monsanto is Destined to Fail

You may think these days seem dark and frightening. Corporations like Monsanto, Shell, and Halliburton continue to devastate our environment, our policies, and our societies in their never ending race for maximum profits and shareholder greed. But the end is in sight. Monsanto is Destined to Fail.

Already, on social networks, blogs and independent media the truth is coming out. More and more people recognize the predatory nature of these behemoths. Story after story is going viral, outing media blackouts on oil spills, farmer suicides in India, and war profiteering. The tides are turning – albeit slowly – but they are turning.

Despite the efforts of corrupt judges, well-paid lobbyists and corrupt politicians, BP has been fined $13.7 billion for their incredulous handling of their oil spill in the Gulf of Mexico in 2010, and Shell was fined $83 million for their spill in Nigeria. Both companies are now laying off employees to stay afloat. This of course is standard operating procedurekill jobs to admonish the public from standing up and let the media have their frenzy. Capitalism 1.0 in all its glory.

The true costs of war, Halliburton & privatized armies, for-profit black ops and the profits of munitions corporations are all being exposed in documentaries, blog posts and even some mainstream media.

These company’s short sighted, profit-above-everything market domination is coming to an end.

Corporations require willing customers and willing shareholders. Revenue must support ongoing marketing and public relations expenditures. Public opinion is everything, and public opinion is falling.

3 reasons Monsanto is destined to fail:

  1. Monsanto, the creator of such wonderful products as Agent Orange and Roundup, have consolidated their empire around patents (as many corporations have). The value of their Intellectual Property (IP) is the backbone of their financial net worth. Patents prevent competitors from stealing another corporation’s IP, but they also stifle innovation. To use or enhance a patented product, competitors must pay royalties to the owner. Monsanto’s IP is so global and all-encompassing in the field of genetic modification of seeds and pesticides that they are forcing competitors to find alternative solutions – solutions that don’t force them to pay royalties to Monsanto. Innovation and progress won’t be stopped. To save on royalties, competitors are forced to find solutions that are more natural, organic, and user-friendly. Solutions that the people are demanding more and more, so competitors (and new Social Enterprises in the agriculture sector) win on the PR front as well. As GMOs receive more bad press, the products and IP on which this company has built their empire are becoming more and more irrelevant. Monsanto must shift their IP or they will fail.
  2. Monsanto (and their “competitor” Bayer) is recognized as selling the products that are killing the bees; killing farmers; killing farms; killing “freedom” to store seeds and pushing lawsuit after lawsuit. Public opinion is shifting away from their “evil” practices, and with the public turn the shareholders. As their stock prices inevitably drop, so does their net worth, their ability to bully, and their ability to innovate. Unless they can win back their shareholders – which would require a costly PR initiative, their stock will continue to slide. A PR campaign – the staple of all “evil” corporations – must persuade the public that Monsanto is a “good” company. I believe it’s a bit late for that, don’t you? Monsanto’s absurd PR campaign is up against the truth – and the truth always goes viral eventually in today’s self-published world of infinite voices. As their profit and stock dies, so does Monsanto.
  3. Most importantly, Monsanto is destined to fail because it is, at it’s very core, a profit-above-all, Capitalism 1.0 business. To turn a profit they must sell seeds to farmers at a higher quantity or for a higher margin than their competitors no matter what. Globally, farmers don’t have much to spend on seeds – so where there are free seeds, there are farmers. Organic seeds, stored from season to season and sold between farmers will always be cheaper. Collectives, Co-ops, and farmer lead initiatives to share real seeds are popping up everywhere. Monsanto (and other GM seed corporations) use PR and expensive marketing to convince farmers the higher costs for their seeds will bring the farmer higher profits. Study after study are proving otherwise. In 2010, Monsanto’s marketing budget was $120 million, according to the company’s annual report. As farmer’s profits drop, so does their ability to buy Monsanto’s expensive “Frankenseeds” for the next season. New PR strategies, lawsuits, corrupt politicians and paid-off judges all continue to cost money. As interest in permaculture and organic food increases, so does the public (and corporate) distaste for Monsanto. Even Chuck Norris is against them – Monsanto is destined to fail if Chuck can’t support them.

We are at a turning point in human history. As shareholders wake up to their social responsibilities, these “evil” corporations will be forced to change or will simply fail trying. Our “leaders” and the corporate controlled mainstream media can no longer contain the truths of public opinion, logic, and common sense. Good business decisions are based on reward for expenditure. As public opinion goes down, the costs of PR propaganda go up.

Monsanto and others aren’t “too big to fail” but they might very well be too big to change. They will be crowded out by modern Social Enterprises who place societal and environmental concerns above the drive for pure profit.

What can you do to help?

  • Read up and Speak up against global giants like Monsanto who put profit above everything else.
  • If you own shares in Monsanto sell them. As a player in the stock market you literally have the power to control the future of those businesses.
  • Buy organic food from local farmers.
  • In the seed/farming business? Become a Capitalism 2.0 Social Enterprise and give back. Donate some of your knowledge, profits, and good will and help us Crowd Out the old dinosaurs.

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